LOGMS 2024 - 26.-29. August 2024, Hamburg, Germany
Digital Waves in Logistics and Maritime Systems: Sailing Towards Efficiency
Dear LOGMS participants,
Again a heart-felt thank you from us, the organizers to everybody attending this year's LOGMS-conference!
Your valuable presentations, insightful questions and and inspiring comments have enriched the scientific part of our conference immensely. The enthusiastic conversations and the hopefully fruitful networking during our coffee breaks have shown once more that the LOGMS conference series and its topics couldn't be of a more recent and urgent importance.
We would very much like you to keep the LOGMS 2024 in good memory and have, therefore, created an online photo share folder at https://shareyourphotos.com. You will soon receive the name of the album and its PIN via an e-mail. In this folder you can also share your own photos with us all if you wish to do so.
Soon, we will also set up a shared folder for uploading your presentation slides as pdfs. More information to follow soon here!
We are very much looking forward to seeing you at one of your or our next conferences!
Leonard Heilig
Stefan Voß